【姓名】王晓蓉 【性别】女
【职称】副教授 【学位】博士
【电话】023-62769347 【E-mail】xrw@ctbu.edu.cn
王晓蓉,副教授,厦门大学管理学院技术经济及管理专业博士,美国新墨西哥大学安德森管理学院信息安全研究与教育中心访问学者。从事智能商务决策科学、信息系统用户行为、数字经济与数字化转型、大数据与智慧文游等研究工作。在Decision Support Systems、Information & Management、Journal of Sustainable Tourism、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research、Journal of Database Management等高质量期刊上发表及EI收录学术论文20余篇;主持或主研国家级、省部级基金项目及企事业单位委托课题10余项;出版教材和专著2部。主讲电商市场调研与分析、电子商务概论等本科生课程,以及数字经济与商业模式、跨境电子商务、网络营销等研究生课程。
L.F. Peng, J.W. Wang, Y.H. Huang*, X.R. Wang*. Self-construal, moral disengagement, and unethical behavior in peer-to-peer accommodation: the moderating role of perceived consumption liquidity. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2023, 31(6): 1336-1355. (SSCI一区,ABDC List A* Journal)
Y. Wang, Y.Y. Jiang, B.J. Geng, Z.Q. Yan, X.R. Wang. Social networks, network interaction and resilience of B&Bs in rural China. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, In press (SSCI一区,ABDC List A Journal)
X.R. Wang, F. Xu, X. (Robert) Luo*, L.F. Peng. Effect of sponsorship disclosure on online consumer responses to positive reviews: The moderating role of emotional intensity and tie strength. Decision Support Systems, 2022, 156(5): 113741. (SCI一区,ABDC List A* Journal)
L.F. Peng, J.W. Wang*, E.M. Hu, X.R. Wang. "Matthew effect" or "Cognitive fixation"? The role of past success experience in crowdsourcing contents. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2021, 22(3): 248-265. (SSCI,ABDC List B Journal)
F. Xu*, X.R. Wang, B.T. Xue. The differential effects of interpersonal justice and injustice on computer abuse: A regulatory focus theory perspective. Journal of Database Management, 2019, 30(3): 1-17. (SCI,ABDC List A Journal)
L.F. Peng*, W.G. Zhang, X.R. Wang, S.Y. Liang. Moderating effects of time pressure on the relationship between perceived value and purchase intention in social E-commerce sales promotion: Considering the impact of product involvement. Information and Management, 2019, 57(2):317-328. (SCI/SSCI一区,ABDC List A* Journal)
X.R. Wang, L.F. Peng*, F. Xu, X.(Robert) Luo. Do incentives in SWOM communication matter? A positive emotion perspective. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2018, 19(2): 135-153. (SSCI,ABDC List B Journal)
L.P. Peng, Q.Y. Liao*, X.R. Wang, X.F. He. Factors affecting female user information adoption: an empirical investigation on fashion shopping guide websites. Electronic Commerce Research, 2016,16(2):145-169. (SSCI,ABDC List A Journal)
X.R. Wang, Y.H. Huang, X.Y. Li, L.F. Peng*. A Moderated Mediation Model of Sharing Travel Experience on Social Media: Motivations and Face Orientations in Chinese Culture. Journal of China Tourism Research, 2016, 12(1): 42-64. (ESCI)
王晓蓉,彭丽芳*. 在线评论中奖励披露对消费者购买决策的影响.软科学,2020,34(6): 122-125+144.(CSSCI)
王晓蓉,彭丽芳*,李歆宇. 社会化媒体中旅游体验分享行为研究. 管理评论,2017,29(2): 97-105.(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委管理类A类重要期刊)
International conference on Internet+, Big Data and Business Innovation, Best Paper Award
The 16th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 16th), Best Paper Award